The best way to help us is by adopting environmental friendly practices. Nature has, since man was created, provided air for every breath, water for every drink, soil to grow our food, as well as the biodiversity of plants and animals for our food, shelter, and medicine. Help us keep nature friendly to the diversity of life.

Help us by becoming a member of your local Audubon Chapter. Local chapters participate in conservations efforts and promote avian concerns in their community. Local members are key to the monitoring of the avian community. Monitoring birds is a great measure of the health of our ecosystem, the “canary in the coal mine”. This was demonstrated by the detection of the toxicity of DDT through the reduction of the raptor populations in the 1960’s.

Help us by joining National Audubon as nature knows no boundaries and we must learn and act together. The decisions we make as a nation are critical to our future and the voices for healthy nature should be heard.

Help us by contributing to AFT so we can support the Texas community of avian enthusiasts at the local level but with coordination and cooperation with Texas wide and nationwide networks.


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